Social Media

dinsdag 24 mei 2011

Is he dead?

There will be nobody in the whole, wide world who missed the news about the dead of American's public enemy number one: Osama bin Laden. The terrorist was killed in a firefight in Abbottabad (Pakistan), after a militair operation of the Americans. There were rumors, immediately after the dead of Bin Laden: is the killed man really Osama bin Laden? Is it not a way of winning popularity for Barack Obama? How long did Bin Laden stayed in Abbottabad? And why are there no pictures of his dead body?

Although the Americans killed their greatest enemy, the communication process was undersized. The only people who are quite sure about the dead of Al Queada's leader are the members of the special force team and Obama himself (see picture above), who followed the whole operation on a big television screen. What about the rest of the world, Barack? Do we have to do it with your promise and some facts like: 'Osama used his fifth wife as a shield', 'We practiced the operation in Afghanistan in a copied house' and most sensational: 'We gave Bin Laden a burial at sea'.

We are living in a digital world nowadays and almost everything in this world is findable. If you need an email account of a doctor in South-Africa, you need to know the favourite sport of a woman in Iraq or the idol of your neighbour: you can almost find everything on the world wide web. People wants to know a large number of facts and more important: they want evidence for these facts. A shooting in a Dutch shopping-centre? Photo's please. The man without a face is operated? We want to see his new face. A crashed plane? Pictures, before we believe this horrible fact.

Therefore, Barack, a call from mankind: would you please come with more evidence about the dead of Osama bin Laden? We need a small picture or otherwise a DNA proof. Or... am I too curious and suspicious?

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